A fashion, food and music blog for the fashionably conscious or unconscious,open minded, and independent thinkers!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Hey illusionists!

I have been ridiculously spending my money on coffee(and paint) and not enough clothes...I have restricted myself from walking into my favorite stores just so I won't spend any money on clothes....My bank account has been horribly suffering from my growing expenses towards coffee. There is no solution for it. I can't stop buying coffee I'm addicted. I can't cut down my cravings because it is just too darn good. I just need to work and get some money. But I don't plan on doing that until school gets out in May

On a brighter note, I did permit myself to go into the Thrift store to only find men's cardigan vests. Sadly, they did not have any but I did find a cute cream colored Fox cardigan along with a vintage University of Illinois Tank top with neon colors, a turquoise and navy skinny belt and a stretchy deep purple belt with a huge gold buckle. I only spent $8. NICE.

I need to spend my money soon on High Waisted Jeans(Wide Leg and Skinny), high- waist shorts, Men's cardigan vest, and the AA pencil dress. Some like these beauties:

I look forward to buying these shorts and wearing them with a white wife beater and gladiator sandals.

I want these pants to own my life and others.

I wanted more of a solid vest but diffentiated stripes could work.

All of these are on Forever21.com.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just the Greatest!

This has been the greatest month of my life! I have been in the process of getting toned up and getting back to the weight I was my sophomore year of high school, which was 3 years ago. I was 145 lbs and like 5'7....Now I'm 5'9 and at 160 lbs, maybe less. I loss 2 inches off my waist. I used to be a size 32 now I'm a 30. Firstly I gave up fried/fast foods for lent. That helped tons! I started working out 3-4 times a week and cooking instead of going out to eat. I loosened up on the alcohol, adding skim milk to my coffee and drinking more water.

I also discovered a amazing line of skin products from Finland called, Lumene. It's all natural ingredient and keeps my skin radiant! And I've only been using it for 2 days. It's great.

Three new albums from my some of favorite artists are also being released this month: Mickey Avalon,The Matches, and Panic! at the Disco. I got some leaked songs from the new album of The Matches and Panic! If you ask me, Panic! is going down a bad route. It's not sounding like them and not even all that great. I probably won't buy that album. The Matches new album is sounding great so far. Most likely I will buy their album or download the whole thing. I only found one leaked song from Mickey and it's good,kind of catchy. I need more songs to tell whether or not I'll buy/download the rest.

I'm also counting down the months until I move to NYC. 4 months left! I get uber excited by the second. I have yet to hear from any schools. I still need to complete and send more stuff in to 1 school to get a final answer. I'm waiting to hear from 2 schools now. It's going to take from 3-5 weeks. *Sigh*....Wish me luck on getting accepted to FIT.

Enjoy your Tuesday!