A fashion, food and music blog for the fashionably conscious or unconscious,open minded, and independent thinkers!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

You Know I'm No good...

Halloween..oh how I love Halloween. I wish it was my birthday. I always had this mentality to dress really skanky for an excuse to get away with it. But i've realized if I ever wanted to be skanky, it should be whenever I felt like it. I usually get a costume idea for something I related to the whole year- whether its rebelling to clean my house like last year when I was a french maid and the year before that I had an obsession with greece so I was a greek goddess "Tigress Euphrates". This year I've been listening to music that have been blindly written about me- such as Amy Winehouse. Her cd will put you into depression and realize what you have to offer anybody. This past summer I have been getting more than 100 times from strangers that I had an uncanny resemblance to Amy. Yea yes, I get it- I wing out my eyeliner, my hair is always in some kind of poof or beehive, I wear bandannas like cinderella , our wardrobe is similar and not to mention our long oval faces. I was Amy and everybody, including me loved it. Being Amy this year made me realized I should beehive my hair more often and just as big as I had it for halloween.

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